Frequently Asked Questions

Who are we?

We are an alliance of private and public sector employers, labor unions, and health insurers who have come together to improve drug safety, provide choice, and lower prescription drug prices for patients and families on behalf of Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs). PBMs play a vital role in making health care more affordable, and accessible, and in securing the best possible prices for the consumer.

Why did we form a coalition?

1. Help employers make informed decisions about the impact of cost-to-plan choices. Reduce employer healthcare and benefit costs by 25% by 2025.

2. Provide experts including pharmacists and patient advocates to make sure business, insurance, and pharmacy practices are meeting patient needs.

3. Protect the role of health plan sponsors against legislation that attempts to take away choice. 

Why should I join?

Together we are a diverse group of organizations and individuals advocating that health insurers and PBMs must remain empowered in their work to keep prescription prices affordable. We believe that state law should not restrict, limit, or tie the hands of those whose role it is to make choices for health plans reflecting the best quality and best price available.

Our alliance was formed in the knowledge that the most effective messengers to state lawmakers and regulators are the people of in the Northwest who ultimately pay the bill on their decisions. We need your voice to be heard.

If I join, what do you want me to do?

This is a voluntary alliance. There are no formal requirements to join. On occasion, we may ask you to join us to communicate with key legislators and testify at committee hearings when legislation arises that threatens your ability to make decisions that help control the cost of health care. You decide your level of participation. You can simply lend us your name or the influence of your organization, or you can actively participate with our team in Olympia when you are available. We will establish a 3-member Executive Committee for alliance administration.

How much time will it take?

We know your time is valuable. We will be as efficient as possible when asking you to participate in meetings, emailing key legislators, or testifying in Olympia. We will do a 30-minute call every two or three weeks during the legislative session to update you on our activities and seek your input. We will provide talking points, bill summaries, and clear communication so you are prepared anytime we ask you to engage in legislative advocacy.